Linda Sarna

About Linda

Linda has been married to her husband, Bob, for 35 years and is the mother of six children and grandmother of five. She loves everything birth related and especially loves helping new moms have confidence in their natural parenting abilities. As mother of three adopted children who experienced early childhood trauma, she understands the effects of trauma on attachment.

Her personal experience in this area gives her a desire to help new mothers and fathers with this very important foundation of parenting. Linda has been professionally trained and certified as a doula with DONA International and has assisted many mothers during pregnancy, throughout labor, and after birth to provide emotional, physical and informational support. She has extensive education in body work for mothers and babies through Spinning Babies®; a rigorous, 100-hour Dynamic Body Balancing program with Dr. Carol Phillips; and Body Ready Method®.

Her goal is to help women have a more comfortable and easy birth experience so that they can bond with their new baby and enjoy a mutually secure and rewarding attachment.

Linda Sarna, co-owner of The Nest, sitting on a blue chair.

Linda's experience

  • Dynamic Body Balancing with Techniques in CST and Myofascial Unwinding Training with Dr. Carol Phillips – 2022

  • Body Ready Method® Training and Certification – February 2022

  • Spinning Babies® Workshop – October 2021

  • Certified Lactation Counselor – Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice (ALPP) – April 2021

  • Infant and Prenatal CST Workshop – April 2021

  • Dynamic Body Balancing with Techniques in CST and Myofascial Unwinding Training with Dr. Carol Phillips – 2021

  • Infant and Prenatal CST Workshop – November 2020

  • Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss - The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death – September 2020

  • Evidence Based Birth Comfort Measures Workshop – February 2020

  • CST for Birth Workshop – January 2020

  • Hypnobirthing Doula Training – 2020

  • DONA Certification – November 2019

  • Spinning Babies® Workshop – August 2019

  • Lactation 101 – January 2019

  • DONA Birth Doula Training – November 2018

The Nest Birth and Family Services Logo

Ready to learn more about The Nest?

Schedule a discovery call with us to learn more about our birth and postpartum doula services. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jeannie Baron and Linda Sarna, owners of The Nest, laughing together.